Driving is a very demanding task, no matter if you’re an experienced driver or if you already know the way.
While driving, you must use all your senses to stay focused on the road, in order to prevent any accidents. That’s why you shouldn’t eat, drink or text while driving.
In this regard, the driver’s state of mind plays a vital role when it comes to road safety, since there’s a higher risk of making mistakes when you get carried away by your emotions.
So, in order to understand what kind of behaviours or attitudes might cause problems on the road, we decided to dedicate today’s blog to the so-called “road rage” and will be providing some advice on how to tackle it.
In previous blogs, we discussed the importance of the driver’s well-being for a safe ride, and today we are going to give you a few tips to deal with road rage:
1. Don’t Drive If You’re Stressed or Angry
It is not advisable to drive while experiencing intense emotions, since it might affect your ability to make decisions.
For that reason, we recommend trying to calm yourself down before getting into your car.
If that doesn´t work, maybe you can ask someone else to drive for you or use public transportation, if possible.
It’s tough to do most things when you’re feeling stressed or angry. Driving is no different.
2. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake
Recent studies have shown that excessive caffeine use can be associated with an increase in aggressive behaviours during frustrating or stressful situations.
This makes sense, given that caffeine increases your brain activity, making you feel alert.
Although it can be really useful sometimes, caffeine also affects your nervous system, which may make you feel irritated.
It goes without saying, but this is not ideal when you are about to step into your car.
3. Be Patient With Other Drivers
Understanding other drivers’ behaviours and decisions might help you empathise with them.
It might be someone who just got their driver’s licence, an elderly person, or someone who doesn´t know the city and got lost.
They may even be stressed or irritated as we suggested above. Trying to understand why other drivers do what they do might help you keep your cool.
4. Leave Your House on Time
Driving when you’re in a rush might lead to impatience and impulsive or even aggressive behaviours.
To avoid that, make sure you leave your house with enough time in case you come across any unforeseen events such as traffic jams, accidents, or weather conditions that might affect the state of the road.
5. Identify the Situations That Trigger Your Road Rage
Whether it be a car cutting you off, someone changing lanes abruptly or an inexperienced driver making a mistake, you need to know which situations make you lose your temper, so you can react before the anger takes over you.
Some of the most typical behaviours derived from road rage are: speeding, tailgating, swerving, cutting other drivers off, and excessive beeping, among others.
For further advice on safety and good driving practices, take a look at the related articles on our blog.
As always if you require any further tips or advice on your tyres or vehicle, please use our dealer locator tool to contact your local Tayaria tyre shop.