Kami mengucapkan selamat Hari Diwali yang cerah dan penuh kegembiraan kepada semua pelanggan kami, dan semoga tahun baru membawa kepadamu ketenangan, kebahagiaan, dan kemakmuran.
Tip Memandu Utama Untuk Melancong Semasa Diwali
If you’re planning a road trip to visit friends and family during Diwali 2022 the last thing you want is a problem with your car, so here are a few handy tips to make sure your vehicle is roadworthy before you leave home and to minimise the chance of a breakdown.
Spending 5 minutes carrying out these simple checks can save you a lot of time and money, in addition to helping keep you safe on the roads.
1. Check your car’s oil level is between the minimum and maximum mark on the dipstick and top up if necessary.
2. Check your car’s coolant level to avoid overheating.
3. Periksa bahagian tapak tayar anda untuk memastikan tapak tayar masih mencukupi dan periksa tayar untuk pengeratan umum, patah atau benjolan. Pemeriksaan berkala bagi pemeliharaan tayar adalah penting untuk mengelakkan masalah di jalan raya.
4. Make sure you have the correct pressure in your tyres.
5. Check your screen wash and top it up if necessary
6. Examine your wiper bales for splits and cracks and replace them if necessary. They won’t last forever.
7. Periksa bateri kereta anda, pastikan terminalnya bersih, dan periksa bahawa enjin dapat dihidupkan dengan betul. Jika anda menghadapi masalah untuk menghidupkan enjin, periksa bateri di bengkel.
8. Check all the lights and make sure they are working properly.
9. Check the brake fluid level and if it is low, top it up.
10. Dan yang terakhir tetapi tidak kurang penting, periksa bahan api anda. Ia mungkin kedengaran jelas, tetapi pastikan anda mempunyai banyak bahan api dalam tangki untuk menyelesaikan perjalanan anda.
If you carry out simple checks like these on a regular basis, you will minimise the chance of a problem, but if you think your vehicle has a more serious problem, don’t risk it.
Seek professional advice from your nearest Tayaria outlet.
We’re here to help. Let’s face it, the last thing you want during your Diwali 2022 trip is a breakdown when you want to maximise your time with family and friends.
And if you’re concerned about tyre maintenance it may be worth considering our Pirelli 360 Tyre Secure programme, which offers customers all-round coverage and a worry-free driving experience.
With Pirelli 360 Tyre Secure, customers who purchase Pirelli car tyres 17-inch and above from Tayaria can enjoy extra protection against road hazard damage which renders tyres beyond a repairable condition.
Pirelli tyre and the Pirelli 360 Tyre Secure warranty package are available at our Tayaria Outlets across Peninsular Malaysia.